‘’I define my mission in my nearly 20-year consultancy career as being able to touch 'people' in every aspect of their existence and beautify the future picture of organizations, and therefore of society, with their genuine change.”
Management Centre Türkiye (MCT)’de Ortak / Kıdemli Danışman olarak görev alan Gözde Berber Özbalaban, 18 yıldır bireysel ve organizasyonel gelişim, yönetim becerileri, liderlik ve değişim alanlarında kurumlara ve çalışanlarına , zaten sahip oldukları potansiyeli açığa çıkarma hedefiyle hizmet vermektedir.
After graduating from the Department of Economics, Özbalaban completed the Human Resources Master's program at the Middle East Technical University and continued his doctorate studies in Educational Administration / Planning at the same university. In the same years, he was the Founding Partner of the Likya Management Academy, and for 7 years he provided many consultancy and training courses within the body of Likya. He managed the project and led the Organizational Development practices as the Principal Consultant in the European Union and World Bank programs.
During his work with corporate companies, he managed the National Institute of Education within the Junior Chamber International for 2 years, With JCI Certified National Trainer and Head Trainer accreditations, she has given training in nearly 20 countries, mainly in Japan, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Spain and Italy. Junior Chamber International bünyesinde yer alan Ulusal Eğitim Enstitüsü’nü yönetmiş, JCI Certifed National Trainer ve Head Trainer akreditasyonları ile, Japonya, Almanya, Danimarka, Belçika, İspanya, İtalya başta olmak üzere 20’ye yakın ülkede eğitimler vermiştir.
By using Insights, Transactional Analysis, Gestalt, Organizational Relationship Systems Coaching, Jungian Analysis accreditations and approaches in consultancy and training activities, among them Finansbank, Garanti Bank, HSBC, Denizbank, Sabancı Holding, Coca Cola, Turkcell, Vodafone, Boehringer Ingelheim, TeliaSonera, Abdi İbrahim , GSK, Mercedes, Bosch, Nestle, including companies such as more than 150 organizations served in local and international projects. She worked as a curator and consultant in 4 major change projects, including organizations from the finance and pharmaceutical sectors.
In recent years, she has been working with companies and individuals to deepen her fit leadership philosophy on LEAD FIT, which is her main work area and brand, and she has built leadership programs that center flexibility, agility and balance. She moderates the broadcast series and podcast program titled Atlet Zihninde yaşamak (Living in the Athlete's Mind).
Being a member of many different non-governmental organizations, Özbalaban is also the Founding President of Turkey's first international organizational development association, International Organization Development Association-IODA Turkey, and is a speaker at international OD summits. International Organization Development Association- IODA Türkiye’nin Kurucu Başkanlığını yürütmekte, uluslararası OD zirvelerinde konuşmacı olarak yer almaktadır.
She is Co-Active community member.
Gözde Berber Özbalaban is interested in triathlon, swimming, cycling and running ultra-marathons to prepare for the races she completed at the IRONMAN 70.3 distance. She defines herself love for life as always being a passionate student and an inquisitive reader. Her favorite role in life is being Tuna's mother.
For detailed information and articles: www.leadfitdevelopment.com www.leadfitdevelopment.com