Born in Istanbul on August 21, 1983, Aylin Gözberk Özenbaş graduated from Koç University, Department of Business in 2009. Aylin started her career in the family business, continued her professional career in 2012 at Sabancı University, Executive Development Unit. Özenbaş, took part in corporate academy design, leadership and sales training for 7 years; Kibar Holding, Unilever, Enerjisa, Novartis, Doğuş Otomotiv, Garanti BBVA, Tüpraş, QNB Finansbank, Kiğılı, Duravit, Vaillant Group, Borusan, Doğadan, Yapı Kredi Bank, Vestel, Shell, national and international retail, logistics, finance, and took a role in the management and design of educational projects that will contribute to the development of professionals in fast-moving consumption, production and many different sectors.
Having completed her master's degree in Marmara University, Management and Work Psychology in 2014, Aylin started working in PwC Turkey Education and Development Department in 2019, and was responsible for the design of the organization and content of all leadership and development-based trainings of the company and the adaptation of global development programs to Turkey.
2019 yılının sonlarına doğru International Coaching Fedaration (ICF) akreditasyon sürecini tamamlayan Aylin, ACC ünvanını almaya hak kazanmıştır.
2019 yılından bu yana Management Center Türkiye (MCT) firmasında organizasyonel gelişim danışmanı olarak çalışmakta ve profesyonel koçluk yapmaktadır.